Date | Day of Week | Start VIN | Stop VIN | Total Built |
Feb-10-2025 | Monday | 9330 | 9411 | 82 |
Feb-07-2025 | Friday | 9242 | 9329 | 88 |
Feb-06-2025 | Thursday | 9152 | 9241 | 90 |
Feb-05-2025 | Wednesday | 9064 | 9151 | 88 |
Feb-04-2025 | Tuesday | 8979 | 9063 | 85 |
Feb-03-2025 | Monday | 8900 | 8978 | 79 |
Jan-31-2025 | Friday | 8815 | 8899 | 85 |
Jan-30-2025 | Thursday | 8737 | 8814 | 78 |
Jan-29-2025 | Wednesday | 8658 | 8736 | 79 |
Jan-28-2025 | Tuesday | 8585 | 8657 | 73 |
Jan-27-2025 | Monday | 8482 | 8584 | 103 |
Jan-24-2025 | Friday | 8387 | 8481 | 95 |
Jan-23-2025 | Thursday | 8266 | 8386 | 121 |
Jan-22-2025 | Wednesday | 8161 | 8265 | 105 |
Jan-21-2025 | Tuesday | 8039 | 8160 | 122 |
Jan-20-2025 | Monday | 8038 | 8038 | 0 |
Jan-17-2025 | Friday | 7910 | 8038 | 129 |
Jan-16-2025 | Thursday | 7786 | 7909 | 124 |
Jan-15-2025 | Wednesday | 7655 | 7785 | 131 |
Jan-14-2025 | Tuesday | 7537 | 7654 | 118 |
Jan-13-2025 | Monday | 7438 | 7536 | 99 |
Jan-10-2025 | Friday | 7404 | 7437 | 34 |
Jan-09-2025 | Thursday | 7323 | 7403 | 81 |
Jan-08-2025 | Wednesday | 7232 | 7322 | 91 |
Jan-07-2025 | Tuesday | 7147 | 7231 | 85 |
Jan-06-2025 | Monday | 7062 | 7146 | 85 |
Dec-13-2024 | Friday | 6987 | 7061 | 75 |
Dec-12-2024 | Thursday | 6903 | 6986 | 84 |
Dec-11-2024 | Wednesday | 6814 | 6902 | 89 |
Dec-10-2024 | Tuesday | 6730 | 6813 | 84 |
Dec-09-2024 | Monday | 6639 | 6729 | 91 |
Dec-06-2024 | Friday | 6552 | 6638 | 87 |
Dec-05-2024 | Thursday | 6461 | 6551 | 91 |
Dec-04-2024 | Wednesday | 6372 | 6460 | 89 |
Dec-03-2024 | Tuesday | 6288 | 6371 | 84 |
Dec-02-2024 | Monday | 6202 | 6287 | 86 |
Nov-27-2024 | Wednesday | 6119 | 6201 | 83 |
Nov-26-2024 | Tuesday | 6042 | 6118 | 77 |
Nov-25-2024 | Monday | 5961 | 6041 | 81 |
Nov-22-2024 | Friday | 5882 | 5960 | 79 |
Nov-21-2024 | Thursday | 5834 | 5881 | 48 |
Nov-20-2024 | Wednesday | 5750 | 5833 | 84 |
Nov-19-2024 | Tuesday | 5668 | 5749 | 82 |
Nov-18-2024 | Monday | 5583 | 5667 | 85 |
Nov-15-2024 | Friday | 5496 | 5582 | 87 |
Nov-14-2024 | Thursday | 5409 | 5495 | 87 |
Date | Day of Week | Start VIN | Stop VIN | Total Built |
Feb-10-2025 | Monday | 4009 | 4064 | 56 |
Feb-07-2025 | Friday | 3945 | 4008 | 64 |
Feb-06-2025 | Thursday | 3879 | 3944 | 66 |
Feb-05-2025 | Wednesday | 3817 | 3878 | 62 |
Feb-04-2025 | Tuesday | 3760 | 3816 | 57 |
Feb-03-2025 | Monday | 3698 | 3759 | 62 |
Jan-31-2025 | Friday | 3631 | 3697 | 67 |
Jan-30-2025 | Thursday | 3580 | 3630 | 51 |
Jan-29-2025 | Wednesday | 3520 | 3579 | 60 |
Jan-28-2025 | Tuesday | 3454 | 3519 | 66 |
Jan-27-2025 | Monday | 3428 | 3453 | 26 |
Jan-24-2025 | Friday | 3417 | 3427 | 11 |
Jan-23-2025 | Thursday | 3396 | 3416 | 21 |
Jan-22-2025 | Wednesday | 3377 | 3395 | 19 |
Jan-21-2025 | Tuesday | 3359 | 3376 | 18 |
Jan-20-2025 | Monday | 3358 | 3358 | 0 |
Jan-17-2025 | Friday | 3337 | 3358 | 22 |
Jan-16-2025 | Thursday | 3318 | 3336 | 19 |
Jan-15-2025 | Wednesday | 3295 | 3317 | 23 |
Jan-14-2025 | Tuesday | 3277 | 3294 | 18 |
Jan-13-2025 | Monday | 3232 | 3276 | 45 |
Jan-10-2025 | Friday | 3208 | 3231 | 24 |
Jan-09-2025 | Thursday | 3150 | 3207 | 58 |
Jan-08-2025 | Wednesday | 3078 | 3149 | 72 |
Jan-07-2025 | Tuesday | 3019 | 3077 | 59 |
Jan-06-2025 | Monday | 2960 | 3018 | 59 |
Dec-13-2024 | Friday | 2904 | 2959 | 56 |
Dec-12-2024 | Thursday | 2845 | 2903 | 59 |
Dec-11-2024 | Wednesday | 2782 | 2844 | 63 |
Dec-10-2024 | Tuesday | 2718 | 2781 | 64 |
Dec-09-2024 | Monday | 2654 | 2717 | 64 |
Dec-06-2024 | Friday | 2601 | 2653 | 53 |
Dec-05-2024 | Thursday | 2538 | 2600 | 63 |
Dec-04-2024 | Wednesday | 2478 | 2537 | 60 |
Dec-03-2024 | Tuesday | 2418 | 2477 | 60 |
Dec-02-2024 | Monday | 2350 | 2417 | 68 |
Nov-27-2024 | Wednesday | 2288 | 2349 | 62 |
Nov-26-2024 | Tuesday | 2233 | 2287 | 55 |
Nov-25-2024 | Monday | 2172 | 2232 | 61 |
Nov-22-2024 | Friday | 2118 | 2171 | 54 |
Nov-21-2024 | Thursday | 2081 | 2117 | 37 |
Nov-20-2024 | Wednesday | 2019 | 2080 | 62 |
Nov-19-2024 | Tuesday | 1957 | 2018 | 62 |
Nov-18-2024 | Monday | 1889 | 1956 | 68 |
Nov-15-2024 | Friday | 1831 | 1888 | 58 |
Nov-14-2024 | Thursday | 1774 | 1830 | 57 |
Date | Day of Week | Start VIN | Stop VIN | Total Built |
Feb-10-2025 | Monday | 1404 | 1428 | 25 |
Feb-07-2025 | Friday | 1381 | 1403 | 23 |
Feb-06-2025 | Thursday | 1358 | 1380 | 23 |
Feb-05-2025 | Wednesday | 1337 | 1357 | 21 |
Feb-04-2025 | Tuesday | 1315 | 1336 | 22 |
Feb-03-2025 | Monday | 1295 | 1314 | 20 |
Jan-31-2025 | Friday | 1269 | 1294 | 26 |
Jan-30-2025 | Thursday | 1249 | 1268 | 20 |
Jan-29-2025 | Wednesday | 1228 | 1248 | 21 |
Jan-28-2025 | Tuesday | 1204 | 1227 | 24 |
Jan-27-2025 | Monday | 1182 | 1203 | 22 |
Jan-24-2025 | Friday | 1159 | 1181 | 23 |
Jan-23-2025 | Thursday | 1129 | 1158 | 30 |
Jan-22-2025 | Wednesday | 1112 | 1128 | 17 |
Jan-21-2025 | Tuesday | 1091 | 1111 | 21 |
Jan-20-2025 | Monday | 1090 | 1090 | 0 |
Jan-17-2025 | Friday | 1065 | 1090 | 26 |
Jan-16-2025 | Thursday | 1046 | 1064 | 19 |
Jan-15-2025 | Wednesday | 1026 | 1045 | 20 |
Jan-14-2025 | Tuesday | 1007 | 1025 | 19 |
Jan-13-2025 | Monday | 987 | 1006 | 20 |
Jan-10-2025 | Friday | 976 | 986 | 11 |
Jan-09-2025 | Thursday | 957 | 975 | 19 |
Jan-08-2025 | Wednesday | 933 | 956 | 24 |
Jan-07-2025 | Tuesday | 913 | 932 | 20 |
Jan-06-2025 | Monday | 892 | 912 | 21 |
Dec-13-2024 | Friday | 875 | 891 | 17 |
Dec-12-2024 | Thursday | 859 | 874 | 16 |
Dec-11-2024 | Wednesday | 840 | 858 | 19 |
Dec-10-2024 | Tuesday | 820 | 839 | 20 |
Dec-09-2024 | Monday | 804 | 819 | 16 |
Dec-06-2024 | Friday | 779 | 803 | 25 |
Dec-05-2024 | Thursday | 766 | 778 | 13 |
Dec-04-2024 | Wednesday | 750 | 765 | 16 |
Dec-03-2024 | Tuesday | 732 | 749 | 18 |
Dec-02-2024 | Monday | 712 | 731 | 20 |
Nov-27-2024 | Wednesday | 688 | 711 | 24 |
Nov-26-2024 | Tuesday | 665 | 687 | 23 |
Nov-25-2024 | Monday | 613 | 664 | 52 |
Nov-22-2024 | Friday | 612 | 612 | 0 |
Nov-21-2024 | Thursday | 595 | 612 | 18 |
Nov-20-2024 | Wednesday | 574 | 594 | 21 |
Nov-19-2024 | Tuesday | 549 | 573 | 25 |
Nov-18-2024 | Monday | 523 | 548 | 26 |
Nov-15-2024 | Friday | 497 | 522 | 26 |
Nov-14-2024 | Thursday | 472 | 496 | 25 |
Nov-13-2024 | Wednesday | 1 | 471 | 471 |
This data is generated by downloading and analyzing the windows stickers that are produced for each car that is built in the factory. This method allows us to generate accurate data about the individual cars that are produced for the US market. They also give us a way to generate estimations for daily and monthly production of new Corvettes.
These window stickers are usually generated a day or two after the car is produced. In some rare instances, it can take several weeks for these stickers to be generated after a car is built. It is believed that this delay happens to cars that are kept in a QC hold, but we do not know for sure. So rather than be a perfect count of cars produced on a given day, it would likely be more accurate to see these numbers as a count of cars released by the factory on a certain day.
This is all publicly available information that is collected and presented on our website. This website is not affiliated with General Motors, Chevrolet, or any of their dealers.
C8Tracker was created by one person who was just trying to buy a new Corvette. After getting frustrated with the lack of any sort of production information, or the constant frustration of not knowing if dealers would even get an allocation to order me a car, I started to seek out whatever information I could find.
While on CorvetteForum one day, I found a couple of members (PColasanto and CamsC8) were using the window stickers for new Corvettes as a source of data to make some estimates about the production rate of the car. This was a great idea and I thought I could take it further.
So I set out to create this website with the goal of pulling all the data I can to provide the best information possible when it comes to new Corvette production. Everything from how rare or common certain options are, estimating the daily and monthly rate of production, and figuring out which dealers are actually getting these cars. It's all valuable information for would be new Corvette buyers, so I put it all online to help out all the Corvette enthusiasts out there.
This is all publicly available information that is collected and presented on the website. This website is not affiliated with General Motors, Chevrolet, or any of their dealers.