C8Tracker : For All Your C8 Corvette Data Nerd Needs

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This site was designed to gather information about C8 Corvettes and make it available for Corvette enthusiasts. The information on this website came from downloading and analyzing the window stickers for new Corvettes. The site checks for new window stickers every day, but just as cars are not built every day, window stickers are also not created every day. The window stickers for each car typically becomes available within a few days of the car being produced in the factory. Keep checking back for the latest data to be added to the site.

This site is actively developed every day, so it is constantly getting more data and features.

The window sticker data is publicly available information that is collected and presented on our website. This website is not affiliated with General Motors, Chevrolet, or any of their dealers. We do not have any dealers or GM/Chevrolet employees feeding us information.

/ Dashboards Now Include Canadian Data

Posted on 1/17/25, 12:09 AM

Quick update, tonight I adjusted the database queries for all of the different dashboard pages.  The data for all of them now displays totals for the US and Canadian markets.  The only exception will be pricing data, as the Canadian prices are still missing from the data.

/ Canadian Data Improvements

Posted on 1/14/25, 10:29 PM (Edited on 1/14/25, 10:31 PM)

I finally found the time to get all of the older Canadian market cars updated.... so any Canadian car that was missing its options data now has all the option data available.  The only piece still missing is the price of the car.  No promises as far as when I'll get around to fixing that as C8Tracker is pretty far down the list of priorities for me these days.

Since the Canadian options data is finally up to the sites standards, I have also added the ability to search for Canadian cars in the Custom Search tool.  You can search for US, Canadian, or Both markets.  For anyone who didn't already know, these are the only markets which have window stickers available online, so they are the only markets C8Tracker can provide data for.

Next on the list will be to tweak the dashboard pages so they also include Canadian data (except for pricing).  Initially I won't have the dashboards filterable by country, but maybe I can add that sometime down the road.

/ C8Tracker Changed Over to MY2025

Posted on 9/23/24, 10:22 PM

The MY2024 window stickers have slowed down to a trickle.  As of tonight, the MY2025 stickers haven't started getting released yet.  But they should be really soon, so I went ahead and changed the site over for MY2025.  All the previous year data is still there, you will just have to select 2024 on the different pages to view it as 2025 is now the default option.  Once 2025 stickers start coming out, the data will immediately start showing up on C8Tracker. 

/ MY2025 Production Scheduled to Start Monday 9/9

Posted on 9/8/24, 10:18 PM (Edited on 9/8/24, 10:21 PM)

As you probably know, the production of model year 2025 Corvettes is supposed to start this week.  When 2024 cars started getting built last year, there was a delay of about a week or two where the cars were getting built, but the window stickers were not getting released yet.  I assume there was just a mandatory quality control hold for all cars for the new model year.  I would expect to see the same thing happen with model year 2025.

So the C8Tracker scheduled daily updates will still search for model year 2024 cars.  Later in the day, I will check to see if 2025's window stickers have started getting released yet.  When the 2025's start getting released, I will change the site to start primarily looking for 2025's.

Since 2024 stickers will still trickle out over the next few weeks, the site will continue to search for them, just not as often.  Instead of daily it might just be a few checks per week.

I have all of the site code updated to handle the 2025 data.  When these stickers start coming out I will push out the updated code.  Then C8Tracker will be fully in "2025 mode."  I will make an announcement on the site and the Facebook page when that happens.

ZR-1 data will not be added to the site at this time, as those cars are not getting built any time soon.  I will add them when ZR-1 production starts.  But that isn't happening any time soon (the actual production start date hasn't been announced).

/ Bowling Green Closed This Week, Might Still See New Stickers Released

Posted on 7/2/24, 9:39 PM

Bowling Green is closed this week for Independence Day. Usually, these holiday closures mean no new cars will be going down the assembly line, but we still usually see some new window stickers coming out. I have no way of knowing the how or why, but I assume this is cars getting cleared from QC or whatever delay the experienced, then getting invoiced. Today we saw 55 or so new stickers, I assume we will see more during the week. But who knows for sure, its been pretty unpredictable for the last month or so.

/ New Window Stickers Today

Posted on 6/21/24, 3:14 PM (Edited on 6/21/24, 3:16 PM)

Finally, some new window stickers today. There were 700 or so added to the database today. Unfortunately, the stickers from last week seem to be clustered in a few different dates, so this will throw off the estimates in the Daily Dashboard. Whenever the release of the window stickers gets back to the normal cadence, that will be a self correcting problem.

/ No New Window Stickers

Posted on 6/19/24, 2:30 PM

The issue with the window stickers is still going on.  For whatever reason, there have been very few new window stickers for the last couple of weeks.  There have been none since June 12.  It seems plausible that this is related to a parts supply issue, either related to the seat belt recall or something else.  Other data sources make it seem like cars are still going down the assembly line and being built, but the lack of window stickers typically is a sign that none are being invoiced and shipped to dealers/customers.  This appears to be an issue specific to Corvettes and not all GM vehicles.

I'll post another update when the window stickers have started working again.  For now, the site will keep on checking and hopefully things return to normal soon.